The March robin song
 signalling my renaissance
 from the last defeated

No more words 
that shine
 like a prop sun 
on the horizon. 

Ah the beauty 
of the ubi sunt moment.
The beauty 
of a suited-up minister
playing a tuneful recorder
to a beggar in the street.

to the hectoring tone
Of my voice 
at any old stone
lion in West End. 

The wooden fish 
that Buddhist monks
Beat during the prayers
Is my life.

Once in many a dream
I hear their Sutra 
the many ways
 to the blue Void.

Somewhere in the past
lay all the meaning
of our next soul.

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POEMAS DE ERROR Y MISTERIO is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at habaneroerrante.blogspot.com.