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Pindar said

a man is just a dream 

of his shadow

I am the nightmare

of my walking shadow

I am not even sure if 

it's mine.


Plotino refused to be

portraited because his self

was only the shadow

of his platonic prototype.

The shadow of a shadow

of a shadow of a shadow...

And the last shadow just

a seagreen twinkle

 in my cat's gaze.


Sat upon a rock in Montségur 

stronghold of the hapless 

Cathars and songful birds

the poet aligned his heart

to the sun in summer solstice

The poet became one of the Perfecti:

his shadow went back to his loft 

in the big city 

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Wild geese

where are you going now?

Sweet day not to alight

where the clan of hyenas

drink at sunset.


the past is not a foreign country

the past is already my country

for good. A country with no flag

other than laughter and the erect

phallus of an African god.


She sprung like a goddess

from the whirling froth

of dream-seascapes

He stepped into her glance

with the randomness

of a fallen card

following the saline fragance

of her vellus hair

She embraced him with a touch

of a dolphin playing around

dissolving him

in the sunblind waves.


Etiolated like a daffodil

trodden upon by footfall and rain

I was in a cafe

of the station concourse

but the last glance

 she gave me at leaving

became a robin redbreast

 in the garden

staring at me with hope. 


I am a mortal who made love

with a goddess

and must die

and will never know

the goddess'name.


Don't bite again

the wrong side of the apple

-said the Sphinx squatted

in the middle of a vast desert

among the italianate ruins

of my mind

A sandstorm coating

her lion-wise head


The dogs scenting me.

I am already a wolf.

Maybe the moon.


like Anaxagoras I point to the stars

as my native home

even beyond the dark matter


All day long 

I've been smelling deep

the moonshiny aroma

 of jasmine trellises.

All night long

I've been smelling deep

the jasmined aroma

of the moonlight.


Odd times

I write to God

and she replies to me

in form of dancing cranes.

Licencia de Creative Commons
POEMAS DE ERROR Y MISTERIO is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at habaneroerrante.blogspot.com.