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The floor of Salomon's Palace was made
 of the most transparent glass.
The Queen of Sheba- when visiting
the Palace for the first time-
mistook the floor for a pool 
of spring water.
And fearing to get soaked she lifted 
up the hem of her emerald royal dress.
Everybody in the court was awestruck
 watching her hairy goat's hooves
reflected on the glass
like an otherworldly moon
into a pond.

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The thrill of all loves passes

like the lingering warmth of hot springs.

The trill of the blue nightingale

 in Paradise is everlasting.

Only those who can see

 the black sun of melancholia

glimpse the blue nightingale

as invisible as blinding.

The golden apples of Aphrodite

were just quinces.

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Stay golden, mind of mine, you did well.

Stay in that pensive mood of the sea

glittering at early morning.

Be the soft susurrus of the rain

on the mossy brownstones.

The swallows bear good tidings

from the black sun. 



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In high spring the apples shine

onto the pathways leading 

to the yellow seaside of Devon.

The cows lowing about

the crows over the scorched grass.

Recumbent on a haystack 

a wanderer takes a snooze.

Nearby a gunshot started a flock

of fieldfares and herons.

I know the name of every bird

but not their songs.*

Shine the apples green into the dewpond

a cloudspotter gazes at the bare sky

so blue   a peasant woman

-tired of laundry and peeling spuds-

is about to read poems of John Clare.

The lavender scent of the breeze

 makes her sob like a child.


Between a silent pack of wolves on the hill

and a golden moon over the shoreline 

Aphrodite smiles.

*John Betjeman


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Forlorn in London with no Virginia

melancholy descends on me:

I miss when she folds a green shawl

around her shoulders like a peacock

preening her train of feathers.

Oh when I am old and dying, Virginia,

 I wish you read Orlando aloud to me,

you my artichoke flower towering

 among yellow dahlias,

my anchor entangled in gold nuggets

 at the bottom of the sea:

 endless stormy sea of delusion.

I touch the green raincoat, the brooch,

 the hot water bottle you left(after love)

 in my Pink Tower.

In this endless stormy sea of masquerade

you remain 

                    as the brightest beacon...

...but I did leave Virginia standing

 on her doorstep

                                 in a misty London, 

trying to open like a desert flower

                                 under a cloudburst.

So there is blur on the edge of wisdom:

this poem.

There is a blur on the edge of this poem:


I am writing you now from Cairo or maybe Teheran?

or rather Beirut? Wherever but sipping 

demijohns filled with Shiraz wine:

I definitely ignore where I am

when daydreaming of you.


Enisled on the land of our last hopes

you rumple my hair, knot my emerald pearls

 dazzling into the gloom.

The silver fish of your soul 

                             slipping through my fingers.

I in purple Turkish tunic 

                                             by the gas fire,

You in orange and black dress

                                             and a straw hat

with feathers like Mercury's wings.

"Please come and bathe me in serenity again"

"Don't rumple the hair of Sybil,

 oh Virginia, don't"

You, waving at the doorstep in blue apron

to my blue Austin going through the meadows

toward the lighthouse of your smile.

"Greece with you in May"

                                            -I shouted

but I saw you no more that year...

"Please when you are in the South

 think of me"

Isfahan with its blue domes

it is not more stunning 

than your blue apron

      waving adieu.


Forlorn in London with no Virginia,

she has kept me in thrall on my knees

kissing her ghost like a golden relic 

in a Florentine church

"Fra Angelico, you remember,

         painted on his knees"

London is too cold, full of funerals,

 influenza, stray cats and floozies.

I long to be in Monk House,

 near the bust of Venus in the garden

or sitting on the floor by you, 

no undergarments,

flashing my legs

while Leonard guts the herrings

     and plants hollyhocks.

Oh how I relish on this wanton lust

even at seeing the runs

           and dirt of your stockings.

London smells of stale lipstick, 

manure and petrol.

"Life is only a passing of phantoms, 

a crowing of cocks"

you say while playing about my pearls

 as a child with his marbles...

...but I only hear, across the marshes,

 the heavenly sound

from harps made of cryshantemums.

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 "She never looked like Sappho"*


Take me dear Vita

from London to Bagdag not to Sevenoaks.

Motor me along in that car so blue

as your silk undergarment.

Come round in the owling time, stark naked

and be to my thighs what the fern

is to the spring breeze.

Stop the grey watches of the night.

Fill the Sussex downs

                           with the larks of your kisses,

with the smell of red hibiscus in bloom.

Dear Vita,

                let's sit under the laburnums

and watch a white horse 

                                 munching in the marsh.

Take me faraway from the hoary

 old ladies and gents in tweeds.


The beauty is entirely colour

and you are entirely pink and green

                                                        -that's a lark

to my soul here

                           in the gloomy Hebrides

talking to gannets and clouds.

Now I smell geraniums,

                              earth mould, grilled salmon.

I dance with the gannets, 

with the hissing shadow of your smile

"Oh you make such a figure

                                               in the forest

 coming out of a glade, 

                                         yellow, golden.

 Oh you old serpent, 

                                  cold moonshine, 

how you coil in your basket of red fig leaves."

I am going to smell the waves

redolent of the secret rose

                          between your white thighs.

Now the sky is like a Canaletto

                           because I daydream of you.


Leonard's clipping the yews, my Jew,

and I trim the blue lupins you gave me

some moons, some caresses ago

when you gathered my hair unwashed

in a bun at the back of my head

reeking of mushroom and haddock.

Notwithstanding you kiss my greyish locks

and the wet-pink porpoise throbbing 

inside the secret rose.

Leonard's clipping the yews, my Jew,

but I long for hibiscus, the South Seas,

groves of lilac, acres of peach-blossom

 in Persia                          with you.


Mozart on the gramophone, 

a blast of lightning 

                         over the Mount Caburn,

a white owl just crossing the meadow.

"Limelight is bad for me,

the best light for my love is twilight."

My fingers slip into your bossom

like a squirrel among brown nuts.

"The dream of my life: to be a tropical fish

swimming in a submerged forest"

I open the top button of your yellow

jersey of zingaro women who read 

palms and cards and stars

by the sickle side of the moon.

And pull off your trousers of Abyssinian

Empress seduced by an Ecuadorian slave.

There is a green caterpillar in your hair.

I ate it...

               Not the lively squirrel already

lost in the deepest rained forest of you.

Mozart on the gramophone,

                                           the white owl

is crossing the water meadows 


I pry into the stars

                               through my telescope,

none has the brightness

                                         of your violet eyes

                             at noon.


More than Tottenham Court Road

I prefer nightingales. orange flowers.

Have me lunch under cypresses, frogs

chanting to the Italian moon

like a glimmery lemon in the sky...


 San Gimignano, 


Bury me, Vita, in Monte Oliveto

 where the bones walk and talk

                      the language of oxen, streams

and olive groves,

                   my soul becoming the flames

of blue candles to the Madonna for rain.



                           the purple bay where Shelley

was drown into the stars..



                           Iridiscent flowers.

I forgot Whitsuntide. 

                                Even Leonard's forgotten,

not the sunrise seen

                       from the Pink Tower 

with you and a basket full of quinces.

Addio carissima sorella mia

I follow the instinct

                            of the artichokes for the sun,

and the sun for the vines leaves,

 the scorching Dionysian earth. 

I follow the purple sea,

          the heady scent of pine and oleanders.

"I rang you up all for the sound of your lovely

voice like a bird piping through a hawthorn hedge

but heard only buzz buzz buzz"

I follow the aquamarine smell 

                          of the waves(not my Waves)



                     into the infinitude

                                             of Shelley's ashes.


Just when my mind is

                                    in full fettle again

I begin to doubt in beautiful words.

Sparrows rising in flocks

                                     from the Enbankment

at my usual hour between the lights

now walking across London

 I remember the great joy of smelling

                                  a dead horse in Athens

while the bees boomed over

                                   the tomb of Agamemnon.

The systolic action of my heart is

too wild     wild.      wild

just when my body is

                                           in full fettle again

why don't I see you now

from the top of Hampstead Heath?

But you are in the Indian Ocean

reading Proust or looking at whales.

I startle a big swan sleeping

                                      on the misty river bank

just when I arise from dreams of thee

                                     in the jolly fields of Kent

I begin to doubt in beautiful words.

None of them could ever describe

your red jersey dimming in lontananza

like the most melancholy sunset:

just when I long for love

two comma buttlerflies 

                                    copulate on the lilies,

but you never collected butterflies

and I am not destined to die

                       like a rose in aromatic pain.


Spinning along the roads on my silvery-and-green Lanchester

I remodel my life.

Shall I ever see a naked savage?

My heart bouncing like a big cod in a pail of water.

Good bye London, the devil.

We are going to Norfolk

travelling our books up the East Coast.


The music-box plays Daisy, Daisy

give me your answer, do.

Bad Vita, 

                 bad wicked Vita, 

                                                don't go to Egypt, 

stay in England, love Virginia,

                                    take her in your arms.

 Let's go to watch flamingos

                                               in Richmond Park:

 they are pink like the fig

                                    you proffered me that night.

Virginia enjoys sitting with Vita

                           in Kew Gardens

                        under a cloudy sky to bicker on

feminism, Spanish wines

                                            and copulation.

Bad wicked Vita,  Vita:

                                 give me your answer, do.

 I didn't take chloral

                     this morning at 4:30,

in love of you        didn't sleep

...and visioned you in my mind

                                                in the nude, 

stamping out hops in Kent,

brown as a satyr, 

                             dancing a Negro rag...

Should I bloom a maiden once more?

Leonard's eating oysters by the apple trees.

*Between the Acts,1941


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There are no more pedestrian muses

 strolling by.

Now they roam about

 in trendy scooters 

and don't give a damn

 to solitary poets

 writing in coffee houses,

 park benches.

They walk no more

 in beauty. Unseen

they write the beauty by 

waxing elegies to nature  

to their own bodies.

They're their own muses.

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Let's say a mirror

or rather an emerald stone

reflecting the Eternal City

wrapped in raging flames

as the ire of Vesuvius

enshrouds the Tyrrhenian waters..

Rome is burning:

the Porticus, the Circus Maximus;

 the bustling Subura, the Argentilum, 

the Velabrum, the fragant

gardens of Tiber...

The Caesar gazes at the sudden blaze

through an emerald stone like a mirror,

drinks a frothy wine in silver cup,

and recites the Illupersis

 at the rhythm of a Greek zither...

He smiles at the green flames

engulfing the Eternal City to ashes.

 Tipsy, slumberous in some kind of bliss,

He kisses the rosy fingers of effete boys

who gather round his horselaughing.

At last, the emerald stone solely reflects

the yawn of a worn-out Emperor.

the bad omen that portends to see

a famished wolf eating cinders

in the hands of Juno at sunrise.


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The Speculum Majus of Vincent de Beauvais

consisted of four massive mirrors unfolding

as a catoptric theater

1) the Mirror of Nature

       2) the Mirror of Knowledge

3) the Mirror of Moral

4) the Mirror of History

What we live along our existence

is only a magical approximation to reality:

deceptive epiphanies reflected on the incessant

mirrors of our daily grind.

Deceitful visions that gleam back to us 

Nature, Knowledge, Moral and History.

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I have no name.

Je m'appelle myself the wine

quaffed by Petrarch a rainy day in Avignon

while he kissed the blue aura of Laura

through alexandrine verses.

Je m'appelle either blackbird, watermelon,

Brahma, Sophia or Grasmere Lake...

Je m'appelle the sound of water

caressed by your hand that only exists

if time doesn't.

Je m'appelle Ominaeshi, Persimmon,Holden Caufield,

the rustle of the wind on the sunflowers.

the dialogue between the northern lights and  the pinewoods.

Je m'appelle "mono no aware", "lacrimae rerum"

and sometimes they call me "toska" or white melancholia.

I was born a wandering minstrel,

they named me Random.

I was born male and female at once

and I should have called myself Orpheus

or primordial nymph.

Just at the moment of my birth

all the cats of the world mewed in unison,

all the dolphins leapt from the waves to the sunrise.

And just at the moment of my death

all the stellar cumuli of the universe will become

 the one and unique star of my last laughter. 

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World-weary here am I 

watching the slick green of saplings 

at autumn.

The sun, by and by, 

will be just a memory

of another day gone, 

another waste light.

But dark withal 

and so with rained soul

I can make something out

 of the trilling thrushes

 and the crystalline murmur

of ghosts and rivulets:

some truth renewing itself

 unnoticed to the fold, 

revealed only to

the world-weary people 

at sunset.

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I am son of myself 

(like Empedocles)

Before I was plant, fish,

bird and maiden

(Like Empedocles)

So if I now jump off

 to the upwelling 

                                                Etna magma                                                      

(like Empedocles)

which one is about to die?

Myself or my son?

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Mutter, ich bin dumn ("Mother, I am a fool") Nietzsche

In Hyde Park a preacher took a pratfall up to the moon from his soapbox,

and everybody laughed in China.

Definition of glory: graveyard wherein the soil falls 

upward instead of downward.

He wanted to leave this world through the main gate, in grand style, but eventually

popped off through a pop-hole.

He wanted to be laid to rest with his loved-ones, but ended up with the hated-ones.

In that country a poet was off his leash, and mauled another poet to death.

Studious-looking by the river the poet,

in reality only flicks through dirty mags.

Ignorance is recyclable. Knowledge, biodegradable.

It takes so long to be not an idiot, and only a second to become one again.

The universe is nothing more than an upscale dunghill. That's why in Ancient Egypt

they worshipped the dung beetle as a sacred beast.

"Je voudrais être un cochon: l'homme seul peut être ridicule".   Paul Gauguin 

The State is an Amusement Park full of over-rational children.

"The law is the Amusement Park of Pain"  Louis F. Celine

"the beautiful fiction of the law"   Charles Dickens

I am my own booty of my own piratical forays into myself.

Someone was tampering with the course of the universe when I was born.

In my late childhood, I was convinced that dwarves and cats-like the universe-

never die.

Impossible to poem the memories of all my imaginary loves.

"With an apple I will stun Paris"-said Cezanne.

I will stun London with a durian.

I was born at rest, unrest.

Today everything is quite similar to everything and nothing at the same time.

I am a defendant accused of being just me. The Devil's always offering

to be my lawyer pro bono.

"I'm going to do with ya what the moon uses to do with poets: ignoring'em." 

Everywhere you come across idiots who believe themselves poets, and poets who deem themselves as God. 

We are all putty in the hands of a playful and mischivous  God.

""We know that the Muses were women, and we know every day of our lives that the Fates

are women"   Charles Dickens

We are only status updates posted by God daily. And daily disappearing.

Nietzsche defined himself as "a fatality in pyjamas". I am the selfsame fatality but in boxers.

"Dieu etait un tres mauvais communicant"  (Michel Houellebecq)

Every war that breaks out in this planet is a cut of God having a clean shave.

God takes a potshot at us every day.

I suspect God is a serial killer running away at light speed. He will never be caught.

God is a technocrat who trades in the stock market of suffering.

"In the beginning was the word"(John, 1:1)... 

But God keeps flannelling on and on.

"J'attends Dieu avec gourmandise"  Arthur Rimbaud

God, in the other life, was a stand-up comedian.

Written off as a suspect of murdering God,

the philosopher was declared caretaker God.

Earthquakes are the sneeze of the Devil.

"Satan's bet is still on"   Alberto Manguel

There might come a time when all the human beings can be bound in brotherhood...The endogamy will do the rest.

Birds will never nest wherever people want.

And people will never know whatever birds think.

Humbleness hardly ever bloom in the genius as a rose-like virtue. 

Rather as the last resource of the defeated.

Definition of life: a mighty polygraph that someone lays hidden in the words.

She told me: "I like you just the way you are". She should have told me, "I don't like the way you will be"

Tourists are the absent-minded inspectors of Hell.

"Tourists are souls doing penance"   Adam Zagajewski

Hope is carnivorous.

Hope is a woman in broody urge who, sadly, becomes childless.

"The dead hunting and the alive, ahunted"  Frank O'Hara

Many men deserve l'oubli but l'oubli deserves so many men?

I am my own scarecrow shooing away the thousand crows of my anxiety.


I've just hit the nail that rounded off my crucifixion.

It is not about to get lost in the woods anymore but in the stars.

All books of poetry intend to be a clarifying footnotes of dreams.

"Surely the great use of poetry is its pleasure, not its influence

 as religious or political propaganda."    Sylvia Plath

The exile is born and die endlessly in a lifetime.

Impossible to unearth the gold of facts.

Fate is the mother of things.

This business of living is becoming, day by day, something quite spatial more than special.

They don't bring children to this world anymore but books.

He wrote his curriculum vitae in several heavy volumes, 

and won the Booker Prize.

The world is a hankie teeming with virtual snot.

"The world seemed made of concentric circles of mockery"  Susan Sontag

The present is always crammed with insurers of insecurity.

"Hey wooden boy, don't get so close to the flames", told off Pinocchio a tramp warming his hands at a bonfire.

Anyone scared of the unsteadiness of the ground has the right to believe himself an orangutan, and never to climb down from the trees.

"Are we alone in the whole universe?", asked me a tobacconist while I nibbled on a bacon sandwich.

What is the point of knowing if we are alone in the whole universe, if I don't know why I am alone in myself?

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On a wicker rocking chair

grandma takes a breather at noon

fanning her jolly smile of moon

with a piece of cardboard, the air

teeming with glowworms and dust.

The fan stained with sunflower


      In the porch shaded by a bower

of orange jasmine,

                           she smells the gust

of perfumed rain and mangos and sea.

Flies and words land upon her fan.

She talks with herself sipping tea:

"What a scorcher"-and stares to the sun

shining red through the sky. On the rocking

chair my grandma nurses a nap stroking

my straggly hair, a black cat.

                                             She beguiles

the boredom with a big moonglow smile.

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"Thinking of rodhodendron forests in Piccadilly" 

(Virginia Woolf)

"In broad nightlight 


conversing with the realm of darkness

my words have taken in the colour

                                    of rhododendrons

bordering late-blooming paths, 

                                          abandoned castles,

mossy bridges where the crows

                             land and brood at sundown.

In broad-dimming nightlight

shall not come the moths

 to flit around the tired splendour

                              of my words,

words tinged with the pale pink

through which, oftentimes,

                    the faces of memory

entice Hebe into the forest of Elvedon,

faces as pure as the stork flight at dawn, 

                   faces that whisper me with voices

of blue-girl in darkness...

this is you around, Percival

this is you, Rhoda?.

faces that mutter me beyond any matter

through a seraphic language

                                   of wave or ringdove.

And I whisper back to them 

                        like buttlerflies smouldering

 in the candle flame to be ashes"

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He lost his soul

walking into the woods

but he realized the woods

 itself was his soul

and while losing his bearings 

in the dew-laden thicket of larches.

pines and elms

 he came across a golden bough:

 Aeneas-wise, tried to break it

and somehow to descend into the Averno

and bestows it upon Persephone hands 

in return of kissing her asphodel-scented nipples.

He couldn't tear the golden bough

apart from the bark 

and it dawned on him that bough

was not his fate nor even descending

into the Averno...Let alone

to kiss gloriously a goddess

in the inglorious darkness.

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A roll of fog over the downs

smelling of sea.

A flock of green starlings

outpace the sun,

the sun still yawning 

among the wet aloe fronds.

A mopish bobcat stares

at the fleece-like clouds,

his slick yellow eyes

 plumb the depths

of beyond...

And there, uphill, nearly floating

over the fog in motion,

with invisible scissors

I snip the stars.

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All the monkeys of Emile Borel

now are tapping away 


at my keyboard

pulling off the poems

I was not ever talented

to write

as a token of my love

for thee.

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A Claudian sunset

a punnet of fruits on the windowsill,

a white nag can be discerned

grazing afar along the horizon:

beacons of light in a benighted world.

Undulations of shaded valleys and reveries.

A moon-caressed gnomon

as the phallus of some forgotten god,

god combing the goldfields of memory

where, naked, cavort 

all my past and imaginary loves.

Susurration of willows over the gleaming water,

stentorian voices of rivers that swell in the night,

the night coming down like a wound tiger

who stares, melancholy, the orange gloam of dusk:

beacons of light in a benighted world.

The dreams I didn't dare to make real

have turned into crows.

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She turned up all of a sudden

as a broken fingerpost announcing

the safest path to nowhere.

And she smelled so good

 in the summery breeze

as the poems I have no written yet.

But she glanced at me like someone

that scrutinizes a face 

of a missing person in a wall flyer.

On the tarmac, kissed by the rain, 

still glistened the shadow of her last word.

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In military fatigues, the poet

trains his metaphors

to survive banality, transcience, void.

Unfazed by the noise of defeat and rain.

Inebriated by his own daydreams.

Though the golden spark, lost,

and the undertow of sadness, stronger:

he does not raise yet the ad digitum

to the shadows.

He still dreams of swanning off

with a mermaid, even brushed by age.

A belle dame sans merci

Enthralling the path without path,

the preordained beauty of love

with deathless death and no love.



His uncertain voice

besought to a certain night:

'What's the smell of the hours passing?

Has the touch its own memory

as Keats said once?

Why am I here in the same muddled being?

Why am I not the others?

When i shall be basking in the sunshine

of my true self?

When I will stop stampeding 

like horses through the fog of time?'

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A beam of light
Rainbowing through 
The handful of marbles
Some kid holds up
To the sky.

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My life is somber

like those blues of Picas



I will treat you

to the most beautiful 

of my suicides

I already hear

the staccato laughter

of Rimbaud at dusk

and Giorgione

playing the luth

to a Venetian maiden

and my father a sudden barfly

singing guarachas

to a jiggy Silvia Plath...

May I have a drumroll

while entering

in Hell?

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Dusting off the shrine of a goddess 

I forgot her name.

She blessed me once

 in light blue robe, golden nimbus

and myrtle blooms

when I was an outcast 

in an outcast country

(I forgot its name too)


A woman in the nude dances

on top of a beached whale in summer,

massive whale as the full moon

on the horizon. A sitar is playing

some kind of monsoon ballad

before a bonfire and silent gannets.

It's eventide. The full moon in yellow dress

dances with the naked woman.



I come across a top hat

in the middle of the street

dancing with a stray cat

in black fur and yellow feet.

The top hat hops me a scowl,

the cat spins me around a smile,

and the moon waxing awhile

in the golden eye of an owl.

The stray cat nimbly runs away

when some foxes bark to the top

hat now flying up on his way

to the hand of a whistling cop.


Under an opaline sky

a wolf not famished 

but philosophical

strolls along the beach. 

Likewise an odd man

 in golden raincoat

 and black beret.

He's the poet of the village

 and never speaks

except to the pebbles, 

the rainbows

and the wandering wolf.

In fine fettle the old lion

Still holds up the sun

with his mane at dawn.

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What saves me of topping myself today:

my cat doing a handstand by the window,

Dalida singing Bambino at dawn,

the last spoor of kiss you left on my stubble,

the beauty of contrails streaming along the blue sky,

the smell of horse manure in the streets, 

the fulsome warbles of a thrush in the morning,

the siren-cry of ambulances that carry not my corpse,

the rain-scented beams of the sun,

that William Carlos Williams' line:

the night passes, and never passes,

the loud laughing of mum in 1978

while sawing at her Singer,

the last smile you blew like a feather

into the air before waving a fond adieu,

the last spoor of kiss

 you left on my dirty stubble...

Love passes and never passes.

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POEMAS DE ERROR Y MISTERIO is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at habaneroerrante.blogspot.com.