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"Salí a la calle
 y le dí de comer a un chucho
   masas de pan con alfileres"

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Los álamos tiemblan al soplo del atardecer. 
El otoño oscurece a esos labios tempranos
 donde todo amanecía transparente, manzana.
 El gallo solar retorna a las neblinas
 a la estaca solitaria donde ya no es Pan.
 Todos los caminos ya no conducen al cuerpo.

 El otoño pule su lámpara de llovizna
 en el bostezo de un lince, en el temblor de los álamos, 
en la pereza del caballo hacia el heno,
 de la gaviota hacia el mar.
 La pereza de esos labios que-antaño-no eran mudas cenizas.

 Hace tiempo que ya no escucho nada
 ni siquiera al zureo de las palomas mentales 
ni al hojoso murmullo del dolor que a veces
 suena como el idilio de Sigfrido
 los revólveres nevados mutuamente se idolatran
 y los verdugos memorizan como a un credo 
el ars poetica de Horacio 
anejo a mis ruinas todo queda encantado:
 mis manos colmadas de luciérnagas 
son más felices que mi deseo.

 Como restos de humo al extinguirse una fogata
 aún alardea mi voz llamando a las cosas por su nombre:
 puente álamo révolver naranjas... 
aún intento emitir señales grises de comunicación
 pero así como el humo no tarda en disolverse en el cielo
 así mi voz no tarda en disolverse en las palabras
 que también se extinguirán
 sólo permanece el aroma esencial de las cosas:
 muere el melocotón en los labios no su aroma en el tiempo.

 Cerrados para mí los paraninfos 
-allí deciden el precio medio de las palabras-
 vuelvo al poema que sólo aspira
 durar lo que la flor del ciruelo
 o el vino en la copa.

 Sin deberes como manzanas sucias
 sin más exilio que darse un paseo diariamente
 por las afueras de la serenidad
 viviré cerca del lobo
 echado en la más alta colina
 junto a la aurora boreal:
 él es el único que ha comprendido 
el por qué de tantas huídas tantas carroñas mentales
 el por qué de haberme arrancado los ojos 
para no ver más la Esfinge
 los destrozos de la siega final.

 Hoy es la última función de tu voz-máscara
 cada noche te encierras en la palabra 
o su celda más limpia
 la luna desova sus larvas de luz
 en un nevado vitral de tus ojos 

 la ciudad enferma amanece con tos de niño.


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en las hojas de los plátanos de sombra 
brillan las gotas de un sol puramente transitorio
 te acarician los jazmines con su perfume 
como los dedos de una samaritana
 la cerveza en una terraza del Pí
 pierde su espuma como estos labios
 el aroma de unas palabras que intentan definir 
 "no soy más que un perro perdido
 olfateando sus propias huellas 
de regreso a su casa junto al mar 
un pájaro desnortado que aún 
no sabe dónde anidar
 cegado por un eclipse de sol"

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sandra se ha mudado de casa sandra 
se ha mudado de piel o de crisálida 
ya no vive allí donde el dolor se parecía
 a una comadreja sonriendo malignamente
 sobre sus muslos blancos 
sandra ahora vive en un ático de cristal resistente a la luna
 cristal blindado a los murciélagos y a los hombres
 todo el mundo puede ver ahora su corazón que late
 con el ritmo de un arcoiris sobre la Alhambra
 con el ritmo de un manantial que murmura
 entre naranjos palabras azules palabras perfumadas
 como la última rosa que tocó Boabdil
 sandra ahora vive con el Gato con Botas
 quien todos las noches se disfraza para ella de Sherezade
 y la convierte en leyenda la más hermosa leyenda jamás contada 
sandra todas las noche vuela con su gato sobre Granada
 en una alfombra tejida con pétalos de estrellas fugaces 
ya no vive allí donde el dolor se parecía 
a un gorrión muerto sobre la hierba
 a un revólver bajo la almohada

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una muchacha con ojos de chacal
 escarba en las ruinas de mi nombre
 escarba en las ruinas de mi cerebro
 una muchacha con senos de ciruela 
 claudia olisquea en mis cenizas 
con un beso me resucita ya no está

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I will be whoever I was
in the present.
I am whoever I'll be
adrift in the past:
that pipsqueak feeding on
earthworms, mud, clouds;
that boy once yearning to be
the son of the Moon
impregnated by a wolf.

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We all keep-like Harmonica-
 a secret as it were gold
nuggets in the pouch.

We all know somehow to play
a wondrous melody in a whisper
to the loved one or a sick cat.

We all know how to fire
-trigger happy- against the same ones
 we love. 

We all have in a way like Harmonica
 got through deserts on horseback
chasing trains dust clouds and mirages
running after despots and wild demons.

We all keep concealed
some mysterious past
we all have had a brigand
as sidekick a merciless millionaire 
as the last target last coup de grace
in dreams.

We all dream to quench the thirst
in a well with fresh and clean water.
We all once upon a time have fancied
on rescuing some prostitute from some brothel
in New Orleans Paris or New York.

We all have wanted to save a destitute widow
from the banker who intend to evict her.

We all know somehow   like Harmonica
to play the music of the spheres  the pristine
music of God in the desert.

We've all by some means escaped
unharmed from the desert
shooting wildly with the eyes closed.

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"Getting on to sundown''"


Sniffing a sunflower

in the middle of Piccadilly Circus,

ah what a grandstanding gesture.

No one stares. 

                          No one cares

but the knowing smile of Eros

in the fountain at the crack of dawn.

Another hides his grin behind the clouds.

Early morning flaring in sodium light.

Juvenile crows flap and hop

from a linden tree to my boisterous laughter.

(Just after copulation

-said Schopenhauer-

the Devil's laughter is heard)

And nothing can mitigate

the lusciousness of this hour.


Why the icecream van is chiming

Mozart's Requiem at such a sunny day?

I am the flotsam of myself.

At home in any walk of strife.

The mirror inside the cigarette case

reflects not my dovish grin

but the emerald smile of a raven

fluttering by.

A beggar also smiled with a chipped tooth

of biting the hard cold of days.

A red fox licking a yellow spillage

from the wrappers of a Chinese takeaway 

alongside a famished Victorian ghost

and a seagull that never sleep.


Why the icecream van

still chimes the Requiem?

In a blazer blue

like Chatterton's breeches 

a Piccadilly rent boy 

produced by the fog

is beaming upon my shadow.

And I beam at Silvie still running away

 with the wolves in the woods of Senlis.

My travel-stained notebooks however

have no traces of her last perfume,

her last teardrop...

Oh Silvie


A black busker in the corner

rapping about the colour of sadness

at dawn

(it's purple)

near him a slavic woman sleeps rough

by a trolley suitcase and a wooden box

with her mother's ashes.

A traffic warden zipped up the fly

stopping his three colour pee

against the lamppost.

Men of cloth pass by

impassive  on trottinettes.

And a West End blonde cocotte

riding pillion on a red motorbike

waves goodbye to her own shadow

running away to the other direction.


Along the towpath in gloaming light,

on a Raleigh bike I saw Helen smile

at a homeless drummer just before

heading for Troy.

I checked the reality

bamboozled by the light,

 returning to the shadow

to turn it

               (as Eliot did) 

                            into a transient beauty.

you intend to turn the transience into beauty

but you don't know what is beauty yet.

Transience either.

With my cracked monocle like a god

recently sacked from his duties,

I checked the reality. 

And entrusted my sanity 

to the last nasturtiums

standing in late summer.


Mary Magdalene-wise I 

the unsung hero of myself

 still have seven demons to be cast out,

and all of them are poets.

Always bridging abysses, pothering

abysses to nowhere.

"The moon is 240 000 miles from Charing Cross"

Quicker one would reach to the moon

than to any soul down here.

The final stanza of my best poem

is always missing, and allus will be.


Like a shoeshine boy the red

leather boots he dreams,

I polish the moon reflected

in a shop window

A chirpy dustman whistles arias

attuned to the pouring rain.

A glass of vermouth 

is my agony aunt by night. 

She bids me to take a swim

 in the bath of Venus

but I end up kissing the porcelain 

in the bog   near an insomniac sparrow

looking up to the stars.


In the middle of a vacant square

a gramophone with green trumpet

blaring foxtrot that echoes in the night.

A woman glitters like a flapper muse,

dances with her own shadow.

And a fat cop in the corner

also spins around himself

hugging the nightstick


The amber light at sunset glimmers

off the council blocks.

The apricity of the happy hour

when bank clerks from the City

rush for a skinful a fish and chips

a pole dancer.

The melancholy joy of a funfair

on a pier like a trembling rainbow.

Coconut slices receive the trickle

of waterdrops reflecting the sunset.

In the bouncy castle

jumps alone and guffaws

the Devil in blue.


The moon is still having a chinwag

with the stars.

Even the moon thinks less of me

because I only can shine 

on a few words.

A mist of rain perfumes my sunflower.

And a solitary hooker in a corner

plays a hurdy-gurdy

I stand her a coffee

and she stands me to pluck a rose.

Mary Magdalene mistook Jesus for a gardener,

And he, timely, plucked a rose.


The mudlarkers along the river sing

ballads of love.

 Crumpled newspapers

 fly in the wind, melancholic herons 

over the gantries, a leaden sky.

Moonstruck foxes sniff each other

in a graveyard's shadow.


In Hyde Park Corner on a soapbox

I shout and shout, 

mumble and mumble

to an audience of dirty pigeons and gulls.

It's raining galore.

My grandstanding gesture

-a Keats book in hand-

to save the world 

with a thing of beauty.

I am the golden trumpet of God..

(Every nation of strumpets

has its golden trumpet)


Like Peter Sellers whistling

the soliloquy of Hamlet

I stroll along Regent Park

shrouded in early fog.

Fed up with being an understudy

in the play about the endless

war between God and Devil.

What is it like the boredom

of the stars when they are tired

of brightening the universe?

On overcast mornings

I try to summon up my inner light

but all I can get is the flickering

beacon of my last defeat.


Streetwise, ambling off the empty avenues

like a hoofer rehearsing a tap-dance.

Raindrops tinkle over my bowler hat.

A flick knife has glinted in the alleyway

or was a friend of Dorothy's glance?

Whatever, I scoot off to my favourite bench

in the Embankment to sleep.

At dawn, very often, the spectre of Lord Byron

wakes me gently for a fag.


The night smells of jasmine rice

and a waft of sour sweat from lovers

making love somewhere under the sky.

Out of the blue, a feral cat nuzzles

into my legs glancing me with pupils

like fog-lights at the morning,

my head is away in another dimension,

 my heart is beating in another country.

My hands just about to play wanton with a pipistrelle.

The night smells of jasmine rice and gun powder.



A wayward crow pecks at the eyes

of a drunkard kipping on a bench

under the red skeleton of a brolly.

A man walking his invisible dog

on the leash looks at the crow,

laughs off.


Under this mild sunshine of May,

playing dead like the opossum.

It takes courage to keep oneself alive

at this early century in London

hugging a dustbin...

Comedy is eating fruits 

from the dustbin,

plus time.

Swallows, swallows take me

to Shambala

on your golden wings:

far from the worsening cost of loving

far from the worsening cost of living

far from the worsening cost of leaving.


Some concertina is mellowing a jazz

in Leicester Square, rather a song of mercy.

Auden said the song of mercy is the Devil's waltz.

I dance just in case, with a hangdog look

to the Shakespeare bust, just in case I am

the abscond God who muted 

the Devil's laughter, the wolves of word.

Comedy is to be sipping a cold latte

at Highgate cemetery in a cold morning

plus eternity.

(God really exists. Just

he's working undercover)


"Be my guest, crestfallen clown,

in this barrel of mine where I - sleepless Diogenes-

will live out to my last bread or breath.

Sit down there near my white dog who never

barks to anyone but the sea.

Let's partake of this bowl of green lentils

by the smouldering fire a la belle étoile..

Don't spill your tears over my shoulder

like your slapsticks all over the big-top.

Let's laugh off the world tonight on end:

I, juggling feckless words; you, the stars.

Forget the trappings of wealth and power

and look how my dog frisks about damselflies

on the hedges and two wenches lezzing up

in the corner. Did you suss that the magpies

giggle when I ritually pick my nose?

What a dust-up of sparrows for a crumb,

can ya hear the canned laughter of ghosts

in the ruins of that Odeon cinema?

Don't mind my odorous feet and clobbers

and take a swig of my last brown ale.

Don't sob anymore, slip off your blue clogs,

that rubber nose of dimmed red reflecting

my toothless smile...What dragged you along here

in tearful sadness, far from the joy of your trade?

A bird you love? Getting the boot? Vernal melancholy?

The exhaustion of daily making laugh the ones

who later sink into doom and gloom?

Whatever grinds you down it's already past,

and present and future doen't exist inside

my barrel, my big-top. We are only the dreams

of that slumberous moon in the sky......

.......The clown suddenly fluttered and flew away:

maybe I was just wittering to a herring gull

who came to steal my grub in tinfoil paper,

my soul."  


This is am I a sparrow

blasé to the peacocks fluttering at dawn

blasé to all the golden feeders of this

odorous town,

the blasé man about town

 only patiently writing

 the memories of rain into

 the blossomed waterlilies.

Pecking at any windfall of the sun.

Sub specie durationis.

This am I a sparrow 

perched on the first sunbeam

gather ya rosebuds while ya may

Let's smell the day.

It's not really expensive to have a soul.

Let's be spry even if we're doomed

to be fumes in a dunghill.

I do my best.

Like Childe Harold, unworldly,

I wend my solitary way

sub rosa.


So the silver bullet wasn't aimed for me.

Still whistling in the air. Still am I

the werewolf though morphed now

into a tortoiseshell buttlerfly.

The silver bullet whizzed past

my quivering wings.


Skirl of bagpipes

by a jetty. The moon

yawns on the horizon.

Swaddled in a hanky

the wilted last rose

she gave me in dreams.

A flummery of thrushes

in snowed-up elms

forebode the springtime.

On gathered rainwater

mirrors the acacia

its yellow smile.

Cocooned  in a raindrop

the nightingale still sings

after falling dead.

A goddess by the sea

gave me a lap dance.

Just a blue poppy remains.

The dimmed light of dusk

veiled the violet waves

breaking into a landfill.

The moon wetnurses a fiddler

tipsy on a bench. A bat

smiling over the moon.

Raindrops as ladies smiling

alighted gently

on the scorched grass/

A Dover-white sky

Lit up the pond

Rippled by my tears.

I saw the Constable's

white horse galloping

away into the horizon.


Stripped bare to the winds of March,

swimming from pier to pier, from star to star,

I squired nymphs to a frothy pond at midnight.

They didn't depart after all.

Like a white horse that canters along the sea

lust was lurking in their glances.

The blackbirds over the Heath mimicry

the echo of my voice steeped in water.

The thymy air is redolent of some Paradise

lost and found in a split second of reveries.

A freight blue train along Highgate blew

its husky horn.

I dared to eat the peach. 

I was the unsung hero of my own salvation.

Bathed in Tiepolo pink at dawn I woke up:

the nymphs still simpering  

near my dew-glowed shadow.


Looking myself over the glass

of that shop window-it blinks in red-

I told to my own reflection:

you pal

reminds me of Eliot's

brown God

All Gods at midnight

are browned



I smell the days

like an idiot savant

smelling the numbers.

I scavenge the nights

like vulpine figures

searching my own shadow.

I traded my shadow

for a bottle of wine.

In the Salvation Army hostel

I slept and dreamed...

I dreamed...

The last solo flight

to the last me.


The banquet of Trimalchio is over

and only paltry shimmers of reality left.

The last twilight has rendered

its last epiphany.

Everything gives off the odour

of fatberg, durian, dirty backsides, rain,

the inimical pea-soup atmosphere 

of a London morning.

There's no sun anymore at the horizon

but the smutty smile of a mortician

his pot nooddle steaming the vesper lights.

I have wronged the most

and been myself the least.

Spirit-wounded vagabond

(the sea the only bosom friend of mine)

What'll be like my parting words

from this world on my way

to the next one?


The green eyes of cruelty watch me

staying put at stoplights for very long.

An eternity of meditation,

                                   rather in pure picnolepsy,

as if getting into the wood of madness,

reveries foaming in the clouds.

A Damascene moment.

The almond eyes of kindness also

keep staring at me. At stoplights.

A black cab pass by slowly

like rehearsing to be the god hearse.

Aswarm with blue crows the morning arrives,

a gauzy mist pearled with rainbow drops.

And the whitest birds

over my blackest thoughts.

Words petered away like tears and years.

Here I am upon my mettle.

Here I am upon the nettles

of reality stinging up and down.

At stoplights. 

Off the Strand to Shepherd's Bush.

Here I am the village idiot mumbling

like an angel on the brink

 of falling from grace.

The green eyes of cruelty shut for mercy,

see me no more strolling through the rain.


An old lady at her cottage window

writes sonnets into her pension book

and  through an opera glass observes

the planes in the blue sky dropping

warheads like flowers and pigeons.

An ale-poet looking for fleshpots

("la douceur des sirenes") found instead

a talking crow perched on the moon,

they did parley all the snow-scented night

about God, wenches and alchemy.

A rough-sleeper  is cleaning his arse

with a swan neck. His cat stretches

its yawn up to the sunshine.

Feeding just on the smell of wet

cutting grass, the rough-sleeper

made his ablutions in a Mary-blue

pool of rain.

The wind tossing about the long lost

red cap of Holden Caulfield.

The raindrops tapping over the long lost

monocle of Tristan Tzara.

A woman opens a bento lunch box

and found a golden egg

laid by her dreams.

In the corner, near a blind violinist,

still sulks Raven, the dog of Caravaggio

expecting his arrival from Hell.

A voice over the tannoy 

announced the Apocalypse

instead of the next stop


A sun-browned man

with a wooden leg

a whiff of bacon rashers

and eau de cologne

began to read poems

out loud    louder

under the dimming light

of sundown

in a corner of Soho Square

peals of thunder

trickles of blue rain

in the hood of his duffel coat

a blackbird on his shoulder

the minatory gesture

of his finger to the sky

clashing with the amorous

lines of Sappho

(in Greek)

people nibbling sandwiches

listen and nod

nod and listen

like hushed cows

to a passing train

the Old Bill sealed off the area

just encircled the literary man

with a wooden leg

now blaring saucy lines of Catullus

(in Latin)


He goes round and round the ducks pond

like a lost luggage on the conveyor belt

with no one to pick it up. He stares at

the koi carp shimmering in droves.

Cherry blossoms fall over his bald pate.

The raindrops shaping pearls of silence

over the murky water, over his brown coat.

Trying all my life to be square in a round circle,

to be a round circle in a square.


A skating minister stopped and pissed

over my blue bonfire.

Please mind the gap between your steps

and the clouds.

Nobody gets shipwrecked twice

in the same island.

Cadaver dogs still sniffing around

in search of his missing soul.

The words also get exhausted

as the pilgrim's feet.

Death is an endless Sunday.

Death by poetry is a kind

of death by misadventure, that is,

"accidental death caused by a risk

taken voluntarily."

We are all sitting ducks of the Fates.

God don't play dice with the universe

but marbles.

Searching for the exterior

and the exterior searching for you.

Crisscrossed screams.

The bridges burning.

They wanted me to be an early riser

to catch the worm....I was the worm.

Living off-the-grid

off the greed.

Falling apart piece by piece

peace by peace.

Always wandering around the words

not the world.


As an hourglass pouring musical sand

(the passing of time suspended)

I hear the hum of milk floats, seagulls,

blue tarpaulins beaten by the rain,

the wind playing around with toilet roll scraps

the thunderous drill of daily bread or dread,

the heavenly sound of waves 

kissing the wharves

the autumn leaves rustling away and back

over my drizzled gravestone.

Full many a flower is born to blush unseen


Time whizzing by

like a bullet train to nowhere.

The moon reflected on

a golden puddle of sick.

The bluish high-rises of London

fading slowly into the dazzling

momentum of sunset.

The night finally bared its teeth.


The revolving door

at the entrance of Heaven

winds me round

on end.

(London, 2021-2024)

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"I would buy the flowers myself. 

It's a beautiful morning of June,

 the war is over

              my shattering bout of migraine 

                                                     ebbing away.

But I don't want the flowers Richard

uses to bring me home: 

                                         hybrid tea roses.

so run-of-the-mill, 

                                 so bourgeois.

I would buy the flowers myself:

dahlias, cyclamens, violets, hollyhocks,

the wild bunch Sally used to pick for me

under the moonshine in Sussex..


                   red and blue balloons,

                               doves flying over London.

 The war is over so my war 

                         against moths and nightmares.

I would buy the flowers myself 

                            at the florist in Westminster.

But not that hybrid tea roses

                              redolent of boasting men

 always talking about Wagner,

money, whorehouses, and armistice.

Dahlias, cyclamens, hollyhocks.

I want to get inebriated

                      with the wild aroma of Sally.

I want to get drunk with Sally

like boasting sailors

                               in the beer gardens

                                      of Wapping Old Stairs.

I would buy the flowers myself.

I am off, Richard!

                                be back soon.

Maybe to finish my novel

                              about someone called

                        Virginia Woolf."

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 In white suit and straw hat

a man is walking toward the sunset

(deep red now)

Just finished his toil of painting

an almond tree in blossom,

a fiery lavender field

and the backside of a horse.

Time-worn and toothless,

lovelorn and broody,

his mind seething with images

of naked women and Zola books.

He talks to the beetles about memories

 of himself in other life and other souls.

He smokes a black pipe and his nostrils

 sip the scent of rosemary, fennel and thyme,

"Everyone is afraid of me"

-says the man to the beetles, to himself 

walking towards a bluish horizon.

 Crows, in haste, like shooting stars.

A gypsy caravan passes by to the sea

in merry pilgrimage to venerate Sarah

in Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer.

 Guitars, bonfires, roses, wild dances.

They ignore the red hair man now drawing

the bluish horizon, the shooting stars,

all in the highest yellow note.

"I am alone on an endless 

and yellow sea"-says the man

to himself            to the crows.

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Mother-naked I fell down from a star

(flickering speck in a flickering void)

I had no choice.

I fell down into my soul

like the splash of Icarus

onto the sea.

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Sylvia Plath yodels at Primrose Hill.

Winter whitening the sky 

                                            her face 

 bundled up with a black cashmere coat

a black velvet skirt.

Her red white-spotted bandana is

 the only burst of sunshine 

                                             so far in the year.

Her aquamarine sweater: the only blue 

she has relished for months.

The yodelling pierces 

some violet clouds. 

A wayward blackbird alights 

on the hood of the stroller 

where little Frieda snoozes. 

"Maybe is my father's soul

Maybe the blackbird only exists

 in the baby's dream"

She yodels and yodels to the dusk

 holding court with a big murder of crows.

Frieda wakes up and chuckles

 and her tiny hands catch 

the last iridescent beam

of Mommy's smile.

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I consulted the entrails of a swallow

still alive and fluttering,

and shuffled the cards of God:

always turned up the Fool.

I didn't see anything in the prismal

heart of the swallow flying to the sun.

No future like a diamond. No love

like the smell of sweetgrass. No glory

in the shape of laurel crown.

The swallow finally blended

into the dusky horizon.

I reshuffled the cards of God:

 always turned up the Fool.

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Daisy-like and dazzled

by the last ray of hope

Eurydice turned back

not from the underground

but the underworld.

She was alone and beaming.

Orpheus just decided to remain

down in the realm of darkness

dancing and playing the lute.

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A cloudburst loomed over the Worthing seaside, 

and he puffed curls of blue smoke

from his Parascho cigarette to the leaden sky. 

Snazzy and just arrived from London, 

jolly like a maypole. He clocked himself hearing

 his own name—ghostly—from the pier:

Oscar! Oscar!

He believed himself seeing Ganymede 

conjured up by the scented smoke. 

The most beautiful effete ever, cupbearer of Gods.

A breeze of lust wafted through the green carnation 

glowing on his lapel.

Though it was not his name that resonated

 all over the sea, but the wind soughing 

through a seagull's skeleton.

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You touched a pebble
that rested for ages and ages
dreaming of being the moon


(Beneath the pebble a cricket
 rehearsed a fugue
 to the starry night.)


The pebble on your hand
 was lighter than the weight
 of a hummingbird in the air 

the weight of the truth
 in some lips.

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EL VIEJO MARX(I y II), de Adam Zagajewski


No puede pensar.
Londres es húmedo 
y en cada habitación alguien tose.
Nunca le gustó el invierno.
Sin pasión, reescribe una y otra vez
manuscritos del pasado.
El papel amarillo es frágil 
como la tuberculosis.

¿Por qué la vida corre tercamente
hacia la destrucción?
Pero la primavera retorna en sueños 
con nieves que no hablan
en ninguna lengua conocida.
¿Y dónde encaja el amor
dentro de su sistema?
Donde uno encuentra flores azules.
A los anarquistas los desprecia,
los idealistas le aburren.
Desde Rusia recibe informes
demasiado detallados.
Los franceses son ricos.
Polonia es ordinaria y apacible.
América nunca cesa de crecer.
Hay sangre en todas partes,

hay que cambiar el papel de la pared..
Empieza a sospechar
que la pobre humanidad
siempre andará fatigosamente
a traves de este viejo planeta
como un lunático de barrio
agitando sus puños 
hacia un Dios invisible.


Trato de imaginar su último invierno,
Londres, frio y húmedo, los besos cortantes de la nieve
sobre las calles vacías, el agua negruzca del Tamesis,
prostitutas congeladas encendiendo hogueras en el parque.
Enormes locomotoras sollozarian en algun lugar de la noche.
En el pub, los obreros hablarían tan rápido 
que no entendería ni una sola palabra.
Talvez Europa fuese mas próspera y en paz,
pero los belgas aún atormentan el Congo.
¿Y Rusia? ¿Y su tirania? ¿YSiberia?

Pasaría todas las noches mirando hacia las persianas,
no podría concentrarse, volvería a escribir viejas obras,
releer al joven Marx dia tras dia sin parar,
y secretamente admiraria a ese ambicioso autor.
Aún tendria fe en su visión fantástica 
pero en momentos de duda
se preocuparia porque le habria dado al mundo
solo una nueva versión de la desesperanza;
entonces cerraría los ojos y no vería nada
sino la roja oscuridad de sus párpados.

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Tu tumba yace justo en el corazón de Berlín,

en ese cementerio elitista y filosófico 

donde no entierran a cualquiera, donde

Hegel y Fichte descansan como anclas oxidadas

(sus barcos hundidos en el abismo

de los libros de texto)

Tus errores extravagantes, tu adoración de la doctrina

yace a tu lado como hachas y lanzas en cuevas neoliticas,

igualmente útiles, igualmente necesarias.

Eligiste Alemania del Este, pero también 

un pasaporte austríaco, por si acaso.

Fuiste un revolucionario precavido

¿pero puede un oxímoron salvar al mundo?

Escribiste un poema: Para los nacidos mas tarde.

Tenías la esperanza de que el futuro

cedería a tu persuasion. Pero el futuro

ha pasado.

Los nacidos mas tarde, indiferentes, sin rumbo

caminan entre tumbas como turistas en museos

que solo miran las inscripciones debajo

de los cuadros.

Es abril, un dia soleado y fresco, negras sombras

se aferran a las lápidas, como si los detectives fueran

los verdaderos inmortales.

Adam Zagajewski

(tomado de su libro "Asimetria", 2014)

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Y la carretera viaja

La carretera suspira
Con el más oscuro profundo suspiro
No tengo tiempo para suspirar
Viajo muy lejos

Ya no tropiezo más 
Con las durmientes piedras del camino
Cómodo viajo.

No me defiende más 
El viento ocioso
Como si me ignorase
Viajo veloz.

Los pensamientos dicen que me fui
Algun sordo y sangriento dolor
En el más profundo abismo de mi ser

No tengo tiempo para pensar.


Putujem I drum takođe putuje Drum uzdahne Dubokim tamnim uzdahom Za uzdisanje vremena nemam Putujem dalje Ne spotičem se više O usnulo kamenje na drumu Putujem lakši Ne zagovara me više Besposleni vetar Kao da me ne primećuje Putujem brže Misli mi kažu da sam ostavio Neki krvav neki potmuo bol Na dnu ponora za sobom Za razmišljanje vremena nemam Putujem

VASKO POPA(1922-1991)

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I love the happiness that is not happy, 
the poem appeasing quarrelsome words,
the freedom having its slaves
and the lips that are bought by a kiss.

I love the word from which you steal two images
and the image drawn inside the eyelid,
the flowers bickering with Time
in the name of future fruits and the spring honour.

I love everything what is moving on,
cos everything is moving on,
moving after the laws of death and repose.
I love all the truths which are not required.

I love the tenderness of yesteryear
in order to say my body "enough"
and dream about plants, fingers, eyes, ears
differently arranged in the woods
 rather than in my body.


Ja volim sreću koja nije srećna, pesmu koja miri zavađene reči, slobodu koja ima svoje robove i usnu koja se kupuje za poljubac. Ja volim reč o koju se otimaju dve slike i sliku nacrtanu na očnom kapku iznutra, cvetove koji se prepiru sa vremenom u ime budućih plodova i prolećne časti. Ja volim sve što se kreće jer sve što se kreće - kreće se po zakonima mirovanja i smrti. Volim sve istine koje nisu obavezne. Ja volim jučerašnje nežnosti, da kažem svome telu "dosta", i da sanjam bilje, prste, oči, sluh drugačije raspoređene u šumi negoli u telu.

BRANKO MILJKOVIC(Serbia, 1934-1961)

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I am not here anymore

I didn't move elsewhere

But anymore I am not here

Let's them go in

Let's them peek and search.

A watermill grinds in the shadows

Of mature, emptied ribs

Dog-ends, cheap dreams smoke

In the ashtrays

I am not here anymore

A tethered boat sways

On the red waves

A couple of words immature

Hang in the cloudy throat

I am not here anymore

I didn't move elsewhere

But am already faraway

Hard will be to reach me


(opsednuta vedrina)

Nisam više tu S mesta se nisam pomerio Ali tu više nisam Neka uđu Neka pregledaju neka pretraže Vodenica u senci rebara Zrelu prazninu melje Opušci jevtinih snova U pepeljari se dime Nisam više tu Privezan čamac njiše se Na crvenim talasima Par nedozrelih reči U oblačnom grlu visi Nisam više tu S mesta se nisam pomerio Ali sam već daleko Teško da će me stići

VASKO POPA(1922-1991)

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POEMAS DE ERROR Y MISTERIO is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at habaneroerrante.blogspot.com.